Thursday, April 7, 2011

A New Job Experience

Several months ago, the owner of County Line BBQ and Canoli Joe's came to speak to our class. He told us of the experiences he has had and how he came to be the owner of such a major franchise. Throughout the months we kept in touch and eventually, he gave Straight Business the opportunity to work at his restaurant; to get a feel for what it's really like to work in a restaurant. Instead of bring all eight of us at once, we were split up in to groups, four at a time.

Straight Business went to County Line BBQ to get restaurant experience. Although it felt weird being in a big business for the first time and for the first hour we were a little nervous but after that the time flew by fast. When we first got there, Vanessa and Skeeter went out of their way to make us know we really were working there: we got official shirts, hats and even a name tag. They explained to us that there were for four jobs that we could pick from being a cook, dish washer, server or cook in the BBQ pitt. Each week we would rotate so that that we all could experience each position.

The first group has completed their County Line BBQ experience. In the end, we felt it was a good learning situation because it was so hands on. It was very rewarding because we had big business experience and we learned different aspects of the restaurant business.

Playing basketball at the park

The second group to go to County Line BBQ

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is Team Work?

As you can tell, we have had the opportunity to work together at several different places. All year we have been learning how to communicate as a group, how to respect others and what it takes to be an effective team. 

Last week we worked together in pairs on a project titled Egg Drop. But before we started the project, we first brainstormed what makes a good team. Here are our responses:

1. What makes for good team communication?
  • Positive attitude
  • Sharing your ideas with each other
  • Getting others to share their ideas
  • Talk to your teammates with respect
  • Treat other teammates the way you wish to be treated
  • Communicate with your team. 

2. What makes a good team?
  • Work together as one unit
  • Put people where they feel they will do the best
  • Know the rules
3. What are your weaknesses when working as a team?
  • People not working at the same as me
  • I don’t communicate my ideas
  • At times I'm impatient with others when they make repeated mistakes
  • I tend to be too quiet
  • I get upset when we are working too close together
  • Its hard to get in to the flow of others
4. What are a few things to remember when working on a team?
  • Cooperate
  • Work together with respect
  • Verbally express your feelings
  • Ask your teammates for help
  • Give consideration to every ones ideas

Pictures from the past two weeks!

Yellow Bike

County Line BBQ

Picnic with all of OJT

Juan flying a kite

Building An Egg Catcher

Austin Pets Alive

Riding the Bus Back To School

Click the link below to see all of our photos from the past month!
February 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011


Today we decided to take some time and actually write on our blog :-)

After being in this class for 5 months, it's time to see if our thoughts on being here have changed. If you look back to Sept 15th, the first entry of this blog, you will find all of our original thoughts of being in this class. Not only do we want to reflect on how our thoughts have changed but also where we want to end up when we're finished in June. Each student (all 8 of us) filled out a small questionaire:

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
I feel helping at the food pantry helped lots of people have food in a time of need. Working at Austin Pets Alive made me feel good because I gave a creature a chance for a longer life.
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
My favorite experience was working with homeless cats longing for some small or any attention.
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
Yellow Bike has been the jobsite so far that has "enhanced my experience" the most. I learned more about bike management then I thought there was and every time I go I learn more.
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?
I would like to learn to build a racing bike. I want to be ready to know how to build and sell bikes.

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
This class is the best class ever and I look forward to this class every day. If I am in a bad mood, it always cheers me up.
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
My favorite thing is going away from school for 3 hours.
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
My favorite job is Austin Pets Alive because I get to get my hands dirty and work with my hands.
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?
I hope to learn how to keep a job for more than 3 months.

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
I like this class because we have fun with everyone.
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
APA because it's fun and we help out the dogs and paint and cut down trees.
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
The food bank has enhanced my experience the most. We had to work with bread and pastries sometimes and each week we had to come up with something to keep it fun and not get too boring.
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?
I hope to learn how to find classes at ACC that will help me become a Personal Trainer.

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
At first I thought another ear with Mrs. Smith but then I ended up liking all the kids in class and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Henry. 
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
I like to work with everyone like and we go beyond what Mrs. Smith asks us to do. We can all chat sometimes and have fun. I also like to work with different people, like we can all go do our own thing. 
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
I like the Food Bank because it teaches you that most people don't have food then you can know you're helping all those people out. It's a great feeling. 
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?
I would like to learn all i can to work well with others so I can find a job and make my own money. I would also like to love what I do. 

1. How have your thoughts about this class changed since Sept 15th? 
They haven't really changed that much. But I do hope to change my work ethic and how i like this cause. Everyone in here is like a brother to everyone else.
2. What has been your favorite experience so far?
My favorite is working with the animals at Austin Pets Alive. I like to clean the cages and painting for the animals. 
3. Which jobsite so far has "enhanced your experience" the most?
Austin Pets Alive cause we interact with the animals at Austin Pets alive
4. What do you still hope to learn in this class by the end of May?
I hope to gain better work experience.