Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Is Team Work?

As you can tell, we have had the opportunity to work together at several different places. All year we have been learning how to communicate as a group, how to respect others and what it takes to be an effective team. 

Last week we worked together in pairs on a project titled Egg Drop. But before we started the project, we first brainstormed what makes a good team. Here are our responses:

1. What makes for good team communication?
  • Positive attitude
  • Sharing your ideas with each other
  • Getting others to share their ideas
  • Talk to your teammates with respect
  • Treat other teammates the way you wish to be treated
  • Communicate with your team. 

2. What makes a good team?
  • Work together as one unit
  • Put people where they feel they will do the best
  • Know the rules
3. What are your weaknesses when working as a team?
  • People not working at the same as me
  • I don’t communicate my ideas
  • At times I'm impatient with others when they make repeated mistakes
  • I tend to be too quiet
  • I get upset when we are working too close together
  • Its hard to get in to the flow of others
4. What are a few things to remember when working on a team?
  • Cooperate
  • Work together with respect
  • Verbally express your feelings
  • Ask your teammates for help
  • Give consideration to every ones ideas

Pictures from the past two weeks!

Yellow Bike

County Line BBQ

Picnic with all of OJT

Juan flying a kite

Building An Egg Catcher

Austin Pets Alive

Riding the Bus Back To School

Click the link below to see all of our photos from the past month!
February 2011