Thursday, September 16, 2010

County Line and Cannoli Jos Comes to Visit

Zach: They were generous and willing to give us jobs.  They were more than wiling to help us out with our class.  I learned from Skeeter that if you want to succeed you need to work twice as hard!

Henry: Skeeter started off in the same classrooms we were in and he has worked his tail off in every job he had and now he is the owner of successful restaurants.

Ryan: I thought Skeeter knew where we were coming from since he has come from the same situation so he knew how to help us. 

Juan: I like that Skeeter works along side his employees and does not sit in his office and count his money.

Thanks Vanessa!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. t's really exciting to be able to hear what yall are doing on the days I'm not in class.

    Zach: I like how you talked about what Skeeter taught you and what you took away from meeting him. Next time you comment for the blog, can you give me more details?! Who is Skeeter? WHat kind of jobs was he willing to give the class? I really look forward to hearing about the steps you are taking to succeed.

    Henry: Doesn't it feel great to talk to an adult who can relate with you? To let you know that somebody else has gone through what you are? I like how you drew the connection between Skeeter working hard in every job he's had and now he owns his own business. I'm excited to hear and see how hard you will work on the job and where it will take you!

    Ryan: What kind of situation was Skeeter coming from? Give me more details!!! I'm glad that he knew how to help you but what did he do to help you? I am looking forward to seeing how being able to talk to somebody you can relate with will influence your job performance. Great insight!!

    Juan: Isn't it great to see a boss who does the same work as his employees? It can be very encouraging to know that even the person who writes your paychecks is out there in the line of duty! WHat kind of work does Skeeter do? How would it make you feel if your employer (boss) did sit in his office and count his money?

    Great post!!!

    See yall tomorrow,

    Ms. F
