Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 1 - 5

Monday- Yellow Bike Project

Ben taking the tires off the rims.

Henry taking the wheel and bearings off the bike, greasing it
and then putting it back together.

Tyler and Henry putting the bike back together! 
Does anyone need a bike?!

Ashley instructing Rane and Ben.  Rane was also wondering
if he expected him to get his hands dirty!!

Ryan measuring the rim so he could match it to the right bike.

Tyler taking off the axel.  Do you need Ms. Smith's help again?! 

Henry putting the wheel back on the bike after taking it a part and cleaning it.

Tuesday- Capital Area Food Bank

Ben and Rane wondeing if they need to toss
the spoiled Henry or keep him for the next visit?!

Ryan, Juan, Ms. Henry and Tyler checking the
appliances for proper working order.

Zach and Tyler bagging the rice.

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