Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 25th - 29th

Monday- Yellow Bike

When we arrived at Yellow Bike we were greeted by Ashley.  Since we were already fimilar with the place, he led us to a table and gave each student a wheel that needed the axel to be removed, cleaned, greased, and then put back together.  As Ashley was explaining to SB how to complete the task, they acted as though they knew how to do it already.  As a surprise to everyone, it was a little harder than it looked.  On average, it took eveyone anywhere between 5-10.  It was a great learning experience for everyone!!

Cool sign in front of Yellow Bike

Ben waiting for instructions.

Look at how clean the wheel looks!

Are you sure you have it Henry?

Juan focused!

Rane's 3rd attempt to get it right!

Turn it harder Ryan!

It is okay Tyler, if you can't get it, I am sure
Ms. Smith can!

Looks like we might be busy for a while!!

Tuesday- Capital Area Food Bank

Henry, Ben and Zach sorting the food and checking
the dates.  Great work!

Is it 15 pounds yet Juan?

Ryan making tags for the boxes.

Tyler breaking down the boxes and trying to hide!

Wednesday- Team Building
Was that a touch down Juan?!
Zach what is Rane doing?!
GO Ben, GO!
Henry, wait for Zach to come over to hear the plan!
What are you waiting for Juan and Ryan?


Friday- Austin Pets Alive

After working several Fridays in a row, we finally earned the time to play with a few dogs.  We were in dog heaven!! 

Ben and Luke chillin together!

Zach and Reagen checking out the APA territory.
Tyler put Reagen to sleep!!  Aaaaahhhhhhh
Henry and Reagen getting to know each other!
Reagen giving Tyler wet kisses!!
Ben and Zach checking out the hot dogs!

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