Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 11th - 15th

What another great on!

It is true and we apologize but we did not get pictures several days this week.  One of those days was Monday when we went to Yellow Bike.  While there, they gave us a tour of the warehouse and had us patch bike tubes.  No one in SB has ever been there so we were all excited to learn more about Yellow Bike and to participate.

On Tuesday we headed back to our usual place, the Food Bank.  We always have a good time while there and leave feeling good about our hard work.  The Food Bank has a volunteer break room and SB always makes it a point to visit before leaving.  Their snacks in the vending machines are all 25 cents and the sodas are 50 cents each.  I know, I know those prices are unheard of these days!!!  Why do you think everyone stocks up as we leave!!   

Wednesday and Thursday was designated to complete the walk way and we did!  Look at the pictures below to see how wonderful it turned out! 

The walk way before SB got their hands on it!

Another before picture.

Who is winning, SB or the rock?!

Way to boys!

Zach, Mr. Meyer, Tyler, Juan, Ben, and Henry
deciding what to do with the rock.

Ooooooo weeeee look at the size of that rock!

The walk way crew...minus Ben.

SB striking a pose on the trail!

Our walk way completed!  If you have not already,
you should come by and check it out!

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