Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 4th - 8th

We had a really busy and exciting week!  Read on to find out why! 

On Monday we were supposed to head over to Yellow Bike for the first time but we had a conflict with transportation, preventing us from going...what a bummer! 

On Tuesday we were at the Food Bank sorting the breads from the pastries and boxing 15 pounds of each.   
Juan waiting for bread to load.

Henry trying to figure out what Juan is doing!

Tyler busy loading the boxes!

The food arrives in these HUGE boxes and then we
sort them into smaller boxes (15 lbs).

On Wednesday we headed over to Cannoli Joes where we had an offical business meeting with Vanessa and the owner Skeeter Miller.  They proposed a few working opportunities, gave us a tour of the restaurant, and then provided us with lunch.  Their food was amazing and we enjoyed every minute of being there.  Needless to say, we accepted their proposal!
Cannoli Joe's welcomes Straight Business

Ben dishing up the pizza!

Skeeter giving SB a personal tour of the restaurant

Say cheese!  Juan, Zach, Vanessa, Rane, Tyler and Ben.

SB eating lunch after our official business meeting with Vanessa and Skeeter Miller

Juan and Tyler going to town!

Zach filling his plate to the top!

Looking good Zach, Rane and Henry!
On Thursday Kyle Cunningham spoke to SB about his journey from being a struggling high school student, playing college football, coaching, teaching and then on to owning his own business.

SB with Kyle after his amazing/insightful lecture!
On Friday we went to Austin Pets Alive for the first time and they put us to WORK!! 
Austin Pets Alive is our new home every Friday!

Ben trying to down size the brush....

Henry mowing...looking good!

Tyler, Mrs. Miller and Ryan cleared the brush
that was hugging the fence...looking great!

Alex explaining to Zach how to uproot the dead sunflowers.

Juan working hard while Rane is working hard at looking good.

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